Happy Beautiful Thursday Everyone!
Yesterday was the most gorgeous day here in the Chocolate City and even more spectacular in my neck of the woods. I had an uneventful day at work....love, love, love when that happens.
Then I took a slow sunny ride toward my sister's salon and gave her the privilege of shampooing my hair. Delicious! I hate doing hair...my hair is natural and I love it but haven't a clue what to do with it:-)
Thank you God that we all have unique gifts. The only thing about going to a professional salon is that they want to conform you to "today's woman." Life is tooooo short to be in the hair salon for hours on end. I'm just not "that kind of girl." I am simply ME! People please let me be me. I have truly earned this present journey! My hair, my style, my joy, my attitude about life and my singleness is so the talk of the town these days. Lol
One thing that I have found over the years is that people are so busy being someone they're not that they don't know who they truly are. Take it from someone who knows. Thank you Jesus' for freeing me to be ME! Today, I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question: Has anyone out there turned their blog into a book via Google? I have done so with all of my blogs but yesterday, I received this one (FSB) in the mail and it contains all of the blogger's comments in it. Something new from Google. I only printed the past year because the file would have been enormous. BUT what an amazing gift to behold in your box of memories. I had no idea how much of myself I exposed to the Universe. I have not one single regret. I loved that I came outside of my box and comfort zone and shared my truest self with all of you. I truly appreciate each and every one of you who have in one way or another contributed to my growth, maturity and ability to see the beauty in every mistake as well as the many small things that I used to fret over.
Not only have I created beautiful, meaningful and lasting friendships, but I have received so many e-mails over the years from complete strangers inquiring about my honesty, my faith, my past hurts and my ability to be so "free and happy" with this life's journey. One person asked me about forgiveness. One gentleman who used to blog asked about my incredible faith. One young lady asked me about the single journey and being content while waiting on the Lord. One bride to be used one of my poems in her wedding program. Many have been inspired to write and or publish and countless have grown spiritually as the Father has shown continued favor upon my life.
On another note, the Monarch is on her way and I am super excited to see her. She is truly my BFF and biggest delight. There are MANY things that bring me delight as I'm sure you've gathered that much about me. Lol
However, summer is truly when I shine and when all things tickle my fancy. Who needs a boyfriend when you can flutter so freely without all that excess baggage? Lol...Lol
That's a joke of mine. Since I've been single, I have created this list titled: "Who Needs a Boyfriend When?" And every time I discover something that I love and enjoy, I put it on the list. It started back in the fall of 2011 when I first got the iPad. I just couldn't stop talking about it and when I tried to convince my baby sister to get one (who is also traveling the same journey) I said, "Who needs a boyfriend when you have an iPad? She burst into laughter and then the "slogan" began. Wow, and the list gets longer. Lol
Who needs a boyfriend when she lives on the beach, she gets off work at 1330, she has the option of traveling to Paris tomorrow if she so desired, she's a magnet for butterflies, she has the LOVE of family and friends well beyond measure, she's a sure all out daddy's girl, her dreams are being fulfilled one by one and she is completely FREE from all the things that the world offers. Most importantly, her name is written in the Lambs' Book of Life?
Can it get any better?
Surely it can: I have faith that God is preparing "someone" just for me and when he appears, my dream wedding on the beach will take place. But until such time...I will be enjoying the life that the Father has so richly blessed me with.
My heart truly goes out to anyone who is NOT living and enjoying all the BLESSINGS our Father has planned for each and every one of us before time began.
All my love,
PS ... I could not commit to my "31 Days Outside The Box" My shift changed at work and the hours through my body into a complete funk for about 10 days or so. I HATE the midnight tour. It is simply not normal. It was a bit of a struggle trying to rejuvenate. However, I did have the pleasure of doing new things for about 15 days or so and I'm still inspired to the possibilities of experiencing something for the very first time; including a love so true :-)
Lovely post butterfly!! I am happy to see you so happy, lovely and at peace and living by the seashore.
Certainly something to be happy about.
You are right. Who needs a boy friend when you have so many other things to keep you happy.Men today(and women) are trouble. lol Better to be free if you are not planning to have any more babies.Having good friends is a wonderful thing.
Hello there my beautiful friend.
I love your response. If the right person enters your life, I BELIEVE that you can be free inside of a relationship as well as alone. If he is comfortable with self and free from his past, we should be good to go :-)
LOVE you more than brownies. Lol
Loving the fact that you've made your Blessed return to the world blogdom... diggin this mad positive vibe I always get when stopping by your net property... & feeling that there slogan.
However, it's just a tad, a tidbit, a smidgen ummm... gender-specific, doncha think? (chuckles)
How about: Who Needs a Lover When...?
On another note: thanks for just making me smile.
Snatch JOY, My Friend!
Hey there Lin,
Using the word "boyfriend" makes it more fun...
If I use the word "lover" my flesh will begin to wonder and long for something that I'm not ready for...
Thanks for the warm greeting.
Smiling is what I do best :-)
I feel you. One of the main reasons why I haven't deleted my blogspot and purchased a domain, as many suggested, is because of the comments that add to my past posts. And the memories contained with each comment.
Don't get me started on the jokes I've told about how long these women will sit inside of a beauty salon. Lol.
Printing the Blog Book was truly a special footprint in my life's journey. I love seeing what was said and how my life has blossomed with each post. Truly a gift to behold.
Thanks, Knicks Fan.
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