Sunday, January 25, 2015


This is going to be a very exciting year for me.  Lord willing I will be retiring from law enforcement in December.  I'm so excited.

I will have been a police officer for 25 years of my life.  That's so incredible to me.  And what is even more amazing is the fact that Jesus, My Lord and My Savior, has walked with me the entire time and I was completely unaware until 6 years ago.

He sustained me then, as He does now and will continue to do so when I turn in my badge and my gun! I will continue to put my future in His hands as walk toward His faithfulness and away from a more than generous annual salary.

HIS PEACE is Priceless!

I will trust Him as I hope to transistion into the public school system.  YES, my new dream is to become a substitute teacher.  I'm doing cartwheels inside my heart knowing that I can make a difference in the lives of many, many children.

If that's not His will for the next chapter of my life, I'm wide open to the possibilities in which He will direct my path. #Jeremiah 29:11-14

He is the only one who wants the very best for me and the only one who can give it to me! 

After all, I am His belove Princess Bride :-)


Myriam said...

Excited for your dear sister in Christ and I trust He will continue to lead as you follow.
Love you and your devotion to God.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey beautiful sister of mine! Thank you! I love you. My devotion is only a fraction of what He's given me!
