he reaches for her hand ... gently
he looks into her eyes ... romantically
he whispers in her ear ... quietly
they burst into laughter ... simultaneously
his cell phone rings ... loudly
he drops her hand ... abruptly
she walked away ... angrily
he catches up to her ... quickly
he asks for forgiveness ... humbly
she grants it ... reluctantly
he reaches for her hand ... hesitantly
her cell phone rings ...
lol good one lol
I relate, in spades, to these words. Great title for this poem, too.
Sometimes I think technology has ultimately ruined as many or even more relationships than it has ever fostered.
My Lady, it was inspired by a couple i saw walking along the beach...
Lin you are so right...
couples rarely talk anymore and it makes you wonder: "how important are you really, that you cannot go anywhere without your cell?"
i've heard numerous cases where people were in relationships and as a result of facebook, reconnected with someone from their past and broke up w/their current partner...
and let's not get started w/ALL the stuff available on the net...a dangerous place for someone with addictions and or someone w/no perspective boundaries...
Have a great day!
I don't think a smart phone, a computer or any social network were ever meant to BE the center of anyone's Universe... but sadly they have become exactly that... at least for some people.
I agree and so happy not to be one of them!
Excellent post!!!
Thank you Reggie. Interesting you stopped by. I was posting something on my poetry blog and you crossed my mind. PRAYING that all is well with you!
Love and peace
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