All the shame, pain, tears, lessons and blessings was His way of preparing me for this current season of my life. I have not only helped my baby sister but countless other women too. I purposely exploit all of myself so that I can help young girls and women to find their self-worth. And let me be the first to say that I take “NO” credit for it whatsoever.
I was selfish, stubborn, controlling, judgmental and opinionated. In my “mind” I was a “so called” perfectionist and believed that I had to literally do it myself or it would not get done. Lol
(Oh so exhausting by the way)
Oftentimes, it’s so funny looking back at the old me. Truly when I tell you that a lot of the “stuff “ I don’t remember is because Isaiah says to forget the former things and do not dwell on the past and the other is because Christ says that anyone in Him is indeed a new Creature and old things have passed away…hence the “Butterfly!”
Back to my sister and me, although I have 5 sisters, my baby sister and I have many similarities. We are divorced, and both received the gift of Salvation after our marriages ended. We each have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Although now, she is currently going through some “teenage” drama with her daughter, as I did with mine…way back when. Boy did I need God back then. Only I didn’t know Jesus at that point in my life.
My sister and I are also good money managers, loyal, hardworking, and generous. We’re always putting ourselves last. We are both summer babies (6/27 & 7/14) and we love crab cakes, funnel cakes and brownies. She bakes the best cakes ever!!!!!! Yummy! “Thank GOD for sisters!”
Speaking of God; we both just love him to pieces. Each day we are growing and learning and seeking His will. It is such JOY taking this journey with her. She has lots of questions and with my fervor to become intimate with Him; I’ve been able to help her in many ways. But with every relationship…you have to develop a personal relationship of your own. And she has done just that. When I look at the girl she used to be and the woman she’s becoming, I am so very proud of her. And what I love most is that we have both taken a vow of celibacy as we patiently wait on the Lord to bring the one. Not just “anyone” but the one His hands created especially for us.
I wholeheartedly pray that her prince will come first!
Love for a great day!
I love you Kimberly!
lol I truly wish your dreams to come true.
You have become true romantics and deserve finding soul mates that love and cherish you and stay for life.
This is as God meant for it to be.
Hello dear friend and Happy Sunday~!
Pray that you had a great weekend. We had rain Fri and Sat, but yesterday was GORGEOUS!
Thank you and I believe in dreams and I believe in God's plans for each one of His children. We only need to be patient. Going ahead of Him will only lead to sin and regret.
LOVE ya!
I didn't grow up having a sister, so this entry really made me miss the intricacies of that particular kind of relationship all the more. The lack of a sister in my family could also explain why I've formed very close bonds with girls/young women/ & women throughout my life. The fact that you are both experiencing very similar spiritual journeys must make you feel extremely close & that is indeed a Blessing.
The Creator Must Be Smiling.
Thank you for introducing us to your lovely sibling, & we wish you both a plethora of Blessings as you continue to walk your paths together.
"The fact that you are both experiencing very similar spiritual journeys must make you feel extremely close & that is indeed a Blessing."
Love that!
We were seperated when we were younger because of my parent's divorce and as we grew older, they sought advice from me and "wisdom" so to speak. Never new why though...
But today, I embrace each teachable moment.
I am indeed a much wiser person that I was years ago.
I long to be an example for them and for my children and feel as though I am making a difference.
I too believe that He is smiling.
NOTHING but JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya!
China doll
I was selfish, stubborn, controlling, judgmental and opinionated. In my “mind” I was a “so called” perfectionist and believed that I had to literally do it myself or it would not get done. Lol
(Oh so exhausting by the way)
Each day we are growing and learning and seeking His will.
I've struggled so much with the perfectionist syndrome as well. But as my mantra has become..."Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and All These Things Shall Be Added Unto You", I continue to surrender my will to His will, even though sometimes I have to keep reminding my self.
Glad you and your Sister have a great relationship and have found your place in the world and in His Arms.....
Hi Wynn,
I too am glad.
We have had many struggles and now...we are both embracing His Grace and His love.
Most importantly, we are embracing His will for our future.
Love and peace,
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