Thursday, February 5, 2009


When was the last time you had a really good cry?
For me it was last fall when I rented the Passion of the Christ. As a new Christian I felt obligated to see it again, in the privacy of my own home and with a pair of fresh eyes. When I got ready for bed, I knelt down to pray and cried "the ugly cry." It was as if the noise was coming from somewhere else. I asked for forgiveness for all of my past sins and tried to list them aloud from memory. I also asked for forgiveness for present and future sins. It was granted to me.

When was the last time you laughed until it hurt; or at least until your tummy felt like you just did about 50 crunches?
As for me it was when my baby sister who loves to bake cakes (but hasn't started her business yet), made a cake and took it to a restaurant for a family event. She asked the owner if he could keep it in the back as a favor. When they were ready to eat it, he brought it out and she offered him a piece. He loved it and asked her is she would be willing to bake cakes for his restaurant. Little did he know that it wasn't "really homemade", she likes to use box cakes and embellish them with her special touches.... (It was the funniest thing ever. She was almost famous)


R Green III said...

I was actually very moved by that movie as well. At certain times I felt the need to look away from the screen, but all ot once, completely drawn to it as well. It was very powerful and moving.

I like t bake as well (shhhh don't tell anyone), and started out making them out the box like your sis. I'd add my own decorations and ingredients on the fly and people loved the outcome. After that cooking, like writing, became a release for me. Just another form of self expression. Coupled with drawing, cloting design I guess i'm pretty well rounded. Hmmm, with so many outlets, I wonder my I still get upset at times.

Anywho, I'm starting to stray. The point to your post was balance, and being a libra I know a few things about that. Attaining some level of equilibrium has always been second nature to me, but as of late I am all out of whack. With faith in my heart, and the gifts that "HE" gave, I do hope to find my way again...

P.S. LOL kind of off topic, but this was so hard to write on my computer, I should have stuck to the cell phone. I'm looking for buttons and shortcuts that aren't even there... As you would say (smile) and god bless...

Toia said...

Thanks so much for sharing!! I have to say I am really bless to work with a great group of ladies where we laugh until we cry at least 90% of the time. Laughter is great for the soul. Great post!!

crochet lady said...

I watched that movie in the theatre. I was so stunned by it that I sat like a stone through most of it with silent tears coming down that gradually made the front of my shirt wet.

I'm not much of a sobber. Probably the time I cryed by heart was the time I visited my mother's grave for the first time. It was so real, so cold and i missed her so much. I remember laying with my face pressed in the dirt telling her how much I loved and missed her and that I was so looking forward to seeing her again. After I cryed my heart out I felt better and felt the Lord's comfort. Crying can be a cleansing thing.

As far as cakes go, I don't usually bake them - to much work. I like the fast and easy deserts like cookies and bars. That was a cute story about your sister.

Laughing? My kids and the dog are a daily source of that. Today there was a kid in the library using the computer with the headphones on and he was laughing and laughing so much we actually asked him to remember he was in the library. As I listened to him I couldn't help laughing myself!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey Richard, we just might be related. My mom and other sister draw and my son is a fashion designer. The part about you getting upset has to do with some unfinished business, somewhere in your past. Believe me, once I delt w/mine, live got a lot easier.

Love, peace and blessings!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Ms. Crochet, it's 5:24 am and I'm so use to being at work but it's my day off. So I decided to have some cereal and catch up on some blogging. I'm reading your comment and now, I'm wiping the tears aways with my shirt, because I just envisioned myself doing the same thing if/when my mom's turn comes. Wow, it hasn't even happen yet and the emotions are coming out as if it had. I'm sorry that you lost your mom.

Ms. Toia, you're lucky. I'm the only one at works that laughs.

Myriam said...

The cake story is too funny. A friend of mine who does not know how to cook will bring pastries to parties and she'd be asked if was homemade - she'd reply 'yes - just wasn't at not my home'.

Regarding the movie, I first went to see it when it came out and I seriously doubt I saw the whole movie because most of the scene - I couldn't watch them - just too much. I tried a second time and saw a bit more. To believe it's a portray of a real live event is beyond belief. Thank you Jesus.

Laughter - my 9 year old makes it a point to try to tell me a joke everyday.

Hope you went to back trying to catch some more zzzzz's

Have a great weekend.


Strongblkwmn said...

I haven't had one of those ugly cries in a while. I laughed until it hurt yesterday when my husband and I were both off and spent the day just being together. We always have a good time. Sometimes I want to cry that ugly cry because i'm so happy to have him in my life and still be so in love after being together for 25 years.

The Passion of the Christ definitely made me think, cry, and pray a whole lot more.

PAK ART said...

I have still been unable to watch The Passion of the Christ. I know that I will be sobbing and not able to make it through so I haven't even put myself there. It's bad enough when I've watched Saving Private Ryan - I start crying at the beginning in the graveyard and can't stop until the end and it's been put away.

I found your blog through Crochet Lady - I'll be back.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Ms. SBW you still move me with the stories of you and your husband. I hope your print your comment and share it with him.

Ms. Pak Art, thanks for the visit and you've reminded me that I need to make of list of all the movies I've missed because of my demanding job. Saving Private Ryan has been one of my "have got to see movies." Maybe I'll take a sick day and sneak into Blockbusters... (lol)

Standing Able said...

I know this is late but I just wanted to say that when I saw The Passion of the Christ I went with several church members and the entire row was and women and at the end we had the entire theater shout THANK YOU JESUS, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO IT BUT YOU DID!

I agree with everyone else, the cake story was funny...I love to cook but baking is not my forte'.

Great Post!