Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Sunday

His power...
Sometimes I think my life is like my linen closet - constantly in need of cleaning, discarding, rearranging and straightening. There are always a few undesirables that need to be discarded - gossip, yelling, gluttony, complaining, bitterness, fretting, jealousy, worry, pride, uncommitted struggles, impatience - all jammed way back into the corners.

Unfortunately, linen closets never straighten or clean themselves. Likewise, we can't - by our own power - change our lives. To bring about a permanent change of heart we need more power than our tired, human selves can muster. When we open the door and allow God's life-changing power to enter in... he begins a good work in us. Lets swing open those doors and let his power, step by step, moment by moment begin to straighten our lives.

Women's Devotional NIV



Hey there!!

You are right.

Our lives require uncluttering and order...they DO. Often, we get used to disorder and clutter and even chaos...

Our spirits are usually feeling weighed down when we allow clutter because our spirits were INTENDED TO embrace order...

Even in freedom, there is order...

Shanita Waters said...

Hello... that is so true. As I read the list of things that needed to be cleaned out of the devotion writers "closet", I began to think about my own. Thank God for Jesus because we alone couldn't do it.

Parkay said...

Amen. I agree. Even our bodies get cluttered with junk we take in and so does our minds. We must stay prayful about everything and in all things give thanks, including the clutter ~ Very Nice Post ~ PEACE!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Thank you beautiful women for visiting. It's cold out there, so be sure to wrap up and as we began to declutter some things in our lives, take baby steps... smile
have a great week everyone!