Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Sunday

Time has a way of defining true friends. God has different plans. He has used "friends" for graduations, funerals, weddings, gatherings and even blogging. (smile)

Women's Devotional Bible - Perhaps it is because of our common walk with the Lord that we can just pick up where we left off whenever we are together. Of course, prayer is an important part of contiuing that bond.

Do you have a friend that you need to reconnect with?
It may do nothing for you but wonders for them...


SLC said...

I've recently been able to reconnect with some old friends (Phyllis Hyman) and it's been a real blessing. One of those connections even lead to some new inspiring connections. It's been great to find that so many of my High School hell raising partners are now a part of my Spiritual Family.
In spite of all these re-connections there are still more that I'm hoping for, and hopefully some of them are looking for me also.

Have a Blessed Week

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I have one or two that I'm looking for as well. I found a really great treasure in AC Moore about 2 years ago who lead to another lost friend. All because of my interest in greeting cards. God is truly amazing and in "his own sweet time."

You have a great as well!