My natural gift is writing. Always has been and always will be. I’ve got boxes of diaries and journals to prove it. Lol
My spiritual gift is exhortation. When I took the spiritual gifts test, I was not surprised to learn that this was my gift from God. The bible says in Romans: 12:6 “we have different gifts according to the grace given us…vs. 8 if it is encouraging, let him encourage...”
As I reflect upon my life, I was always an encourager but I think that most of that encouragement came from a place of pain and not wanting anyone to hurt like I did. I was trying to heal people in any way that I could because my heart had a burden for the wounded. It was something I could easily relate to.
Today, my encouragement comes from a place of love and not pain. By His grace, I have received a new life and a heart that explodes with love for others. I am certain that my Heavenly Father loves me and that He has prepared a place for me in His Kingdom. That alone is where my JOY comes from!
My heart is heavy and is burden by anyone who does not believe He is the answer. You simply cannot live this life in your own will. If that is your belief system, you are eventually headed for destruction. It is my deepest desire to spread the Good News and to tell anyone who will listen how Jesus saved a wretch like me. The peace and the forgiveness is not for any specific individual, it is for ANYONE who calls on the name of the Lord.
I wake up each day with new grace and I long to spend intimate time with the Father. He knows me inside and out and loves me still. I have prayed on countless occasions that He remain by my side to face this journey with me. His word promised that He would and I hold Him to that promise.
I constantly pray Job’s prayer. When life’s trials and tragedies come my way, (and they will) my heart will not turn away from God. I will still praise My Savior. In my heart and in my mind’s eye, there are many things that I do not understand, but I accept them because He is God.
*please click this link for an amazing promise and photo HIS Princess Bride.
sent w/love
I agree. Man cannot live alone.
Man is born equal and only God can show this to us as every one here on earth tries to overcome the other.But when push comes to shove only God in his mercy can bend us all to his will.
We are all equal.
My Lady I love how you worded that and that is my deepest prayer: that He will bend me according to His will.
In His eyes and in His unending love for mankind, we are all equal. However, the Worldly Desires have taken many captive.
For those who refusing to bend...Satan surely smiles upon the wicked.
Love you dearly :-)
You truly are a filled with inspiration and encouragement, like a gentle whisper from God......
It's always a pleasure reading your heart....
Thank you Wynn,
Sharing what's on my heart is my way of allowing Him to use me. For many, many years, I surpressed my "feelings." Looking back, that way of life did not produce any favorable fruit for myself or my Father.
Now, I pray that all my actions shine a light on Him and not me. His love has set me free :-)
Hey sis. Encouraging as always. See you at His Princess Bride.
Hey sis. Encouraging as always. See you at His Princess Bride.
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