Monday, November 25, 2013

From Me to YOU

I was reading a devotion yesterday and I thought of you.  Here is a prayer from my heart to yours.  I am so enjoying our study of Gideon and just as I knew he would, God is using me in a way that I am not fully comfortable with, but because insecurity is about me and not him...I am going to do it!  Will update you later :-)

In the mean time, praying that everyone will have an awesome Thanksgiving and that you will find some quiet time to count your blessings...naming them one by one and reflecting on what GOD has done!

"Dear God, My heart is moved today for people who just cannot seem to find their place. They feel lost, empty, out of place, floundering. Some are discouraged; some are depressed; some are anxious; some are hopeful; some are searching; some have given up. I pray that today will be a day of breakthrough for them. I pray that the right job, the right ministry opportunity, the right words, the right whatever it is they need will be there for them today. I pray that you will open doors and lead them through. I pray for encouragement and guidance. I pray for joy, excitement and blessings of the heart and spirit. I pray for contentment, initiative, passion, thankfulness in their attitudes today. May they look to you and receive the gifts you have in store for them. And may you, oh wonderful gracious God, be glorified. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

All my love,


Don said...

Wonderful prayer and timely as usual, FSB. You already know I wish you a wonderful wonderful and continually blessed holiday season as well.

A Lady's Life said...

That was beautiful Butterfly.
Thank you sooo much!

Moanerplicity said...

Lovely Prayer, and a Beautiful Sentiment,CD.

Wishing a Very Happy, Blessed, Peaceful & Safe Thanksgiving to You & Yours, My Friend.

No matter what you’ve planned, who you’ll spend time with, or what you imbibe, just remember to savor those moments, and always:

Snatch JOY!

One Love.


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Happy Thanksgiving beloved bloggers!

Thank you for taking a moment to stop by and say a word or two :-)

Giving profound thanks for each of you and what "You've" add to my life's journey!


the one with the ginormous smile!

WynnSong said...

Perfect prayer in today's world, so again I say AMEN
Have a Great Christmas season and an Incredible New Year.....