Thursday, September 26, 2013

God Is Mine...

My friends at church tease me because I act as though God is mine, all mine.  In my heart, I feel that He is.  We have such an intimate relationship and he fulfills all my desires.  He listens to me, he understands me, he accepts me, he longs to spend time with me, he truly has my best interest at heart and he has promised to never leave.  Not only that, day after day, he writes me the most profound love letters and creates one of kind paintings just for me. Yes!  He is mine, all mine.

last night's sunset....all for me, his princess bride


Moanerplicity said...

you are Blessed
to live
in a place
by the water,
where paradise can
regularly show you
its best face...

God's work, indeed!


A Lady's Life said...

You are funny indeed. Yes God loves you and he is yours my dear friend. His angel sits on your shoulder keeping you safe. This is the most important thing.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Yes, my friend...I am blessed and "I am highly favored" and I do not take one single moment for granted.

Love and peace!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Yes, My Lady...He is mine and I AM HIS!

Wouldn't trade Him for all the Tea in China. Lol

Love you!