My Lord,
I thank You that my daughter and I are Women of Faith! This weekend was the most exhaustive spiritual experience I've had, aside from going to Alaska and Haiti and seeing with my own eyes how BIG You truly are!
We had an awesome time at the conference with our sisters from Grace Church and 8,000 other women who love and worship You! WORDS cannot describe the emotions and profound love shown for Your gift of dying on the cross for us sinners.
It was indeed overwhelming and oh so incredible. We all cried, laughed, praised, sung, danced and began again...the entire weekend!
The speakers were so on fire for You as were the women in the audience. I saw a man and asked him how he got in...He said, "I'm here with my wife." OMG, can I have one of those. LOL
Lord, You are worthy of all the praise. I have fallen deeper in love with You and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change what I BELIEVE!
And for some reason today, there was extra love at Church. Women were hugging me and thanking me for being...doing...and saying... Father, those hugs are for You. You alone transformed my life and You alone deserve all the GLORY!
I heart You with everything that I am and I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who BELIEVES! (Romans 1:16)
All my love, all the time!
Eternally yours,
Your Princess Bride
beautiful post butterfly.
true words well spoken dear heart
GM My Lady and thank YOU!
I was truly an amazing experience to have shared with my beautiful God fearing daughter. I'm so proud of her!
Love you!
The amount of JOY contained in your words, & the manifestation of it throughout this entry is so evident that all I can possibly add is a hearty AMEN!
JOY was most definitely snatched & shared last weekend there in the wilds of CHINA-town. :-D
You're so right my friend!
Amen in deed :-)
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