Loneliness is a state of mind in my
Opinion. I am happily single and am
Very much enjoying the freedom and
Endless choices that require no compromising. (for now)
It’s a constant state of bliss as I anticipate and
Seek out each new day with pure enthusiasm.
Everyone feels as though I should be coupled.
Viewing my life as one of constant aloneness.
Eagerly awaiting the news that I’ve met someone, I
Remind them that I’m detached by choice.
Yes, one day I’d like to have a husband and
When that time comes, I’ll joyfully submit to
His every waking and anticipated pleasure.
Entirely putting my needs and wants aside to
Relish in his heart’s desire and love launguages.
Exhausting myself completely…just to see him smile.
*Inspired by some web photos I just viewed titled: Love Is Everywhere :-)
This was very, Very, VURRR cleverly thought out. I must commend your creative mind mixed w/ awareness that God knows just where He wants you to be within this place of your spiritual journey.
My thinking is that the path to True Enlightenment is paved with many roads. The important thing is that we reach there long enough to exhale, relax & luxuriate with a sense of God-filled Self-Actualization.
And yes, Love IS indeed Everywhere!
I read your poem on the other blog and thought it was the best one yet.
Funny how people grow and change.
I think we become better people as we age.
Thanks Lin,
There were a series of photos on one of Oprah's websites talking about seeing love everywhere if we'd just look around.
There was one particular photo displaying a crack in the ground that resembled a heart. It was pretty neat. The woman who took the photo said that she'd walked that path many times but did not notice it until Valentine's Day...as she was uncoupled.
Love for a great day!
GM My Lady and thank you.
The last two poems were written by friends of mine :-)
And I wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't want to go back to my "younger" for anything!
Love you much!
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