Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I don't hate anyone, but...

I hate it when I go to Baskin Robins for chocolate almond ice cream and the new employee gives me a perfectly round scoop. Can I please have a $3.oo scoop that hangs over the cone?

I hate it whenever I go out with my sisters and they are always late. They always complain that I don't make time for them and when I do, they are always freak'n late! Did I mention always?

I hate it when I miss an incoming call. I have free incoming and I really have to put some thought into spending my minutes and money on returning an unimportant phone call.

I hate it when I am really tired and hungry and when I get home from work, the dog gets two scoops of food and I'm stuck with "should I cook or order out?"

I hate it when I'm on the phone at work and someone needs to speak to me and instead of coming back, they just sort of stand there waiting...

I hate not having the choice between a hand dryer and paper towels in the public restrooms.

I hate when I miss the 2 for 3 at the dry cleaners on Saturdays and have to wait until Wednesday to catch the next deal.

I hate that my dad lives in Ohio and I can't go by his house for his hash browns and scrambled eggs.

And lastly, I hate it when couples give up on their relationships not knowing that if they were honest with one another, they really haven't done everything they possibly could before calling it quits.


SLC said...

These were kinda funny until I realized how true they were, especially the one about people thinking your phone call isn't important.
Also, I'll be sure to leave a message when I call so you'll know whether or not you need to call me back.


And finally, I'll be sure to post a comment to all of your blogs, and the blogs listed in your blog roll advertising my new internet blog business from which I will sell Red Facial Mud (I mean clay) from the Caribbeans, with a free bottle of Australian Air to the first 20 customers.

You may hate how long this is, but my sister (YOU) had been gone for a week so this is my catch up reply.

Welcome back.

Shaz said...

HA! We have similar HATES..lol

I'm totally feeling you on the price they charge for scoops of ice cream and the lack of amount of ice cream you get for it.

I also hate not having a choice of what I can dry my hands with. I don't always feel like shaking my hands dry...SMH!

The weather man can never get the weather report right...I want snow, not snow and ice.

On another note, thanks for the well wishes you left on my blog, I'm feeling much better today.

Myriam said...

You are good. I doubt I could sit down and come up a list but one thing that I hate for sure is standing in line. Oh and another one I hate shopping for anything.

Much love to you.


crochet lady said...

One thing I hate is when I come home from work on Monday night at 8:30 and find garbage, dirty dishes, dirty clothes and stuff in general where it's not supposed to be. I have three guys who find it hard to pick up after themselves!

Good to talk to you again, hope your week went well!

I did post a picture of my hair cut. I took it off already, but I'll put it back on for you. Look on the side under my New Do.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Good morning friends and family.
SLC You can take up as much space as you'd like. (smile)
Ms. Shaz, I really don't keep tabs on the whether and am usually caught off guard when it snows and really mad at myself when it's unusually warm because had I known, I would have taken the day off (lol)
Myriam, I always take my IPOD and try to keep a little book of wisdom in my purse for those long lines. (it really helps me from staring at people and wondering what's up with them??? Smile)
Ms. Crochet, try putting a storage bin in the foyer and mark it "for charity" put some of their favorite things in there and watch them freak out. They'll get the message. Or you could just let things pile up. But then again, if you're like me, I wouldn't be able to stand it for 10 minutes before I start cleaning up the mess. The OCD in me (lol)

Have a great day everyone.

Juri said...

I am not sure how I got to your blog, but I am glad I did...with my first cup of coffee this morning, I have enjoyed reading many of your posts! I did not want to be one of those dreaded "lurkers", I thought I would leave this note to tell you what a great blog you have!
