Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh my GOD, it's finally here..

I hope I can type w/o crying. It was very emotional for me this morning. I was a little upset that I wasn't one of the first ones in line but the presence and energy of the crowd was very emotional. Every moment leading up to my vote was very emotional. I felt an overwhelming sense of "_________" there are no words. If anyone is blogging today, can you feel me?

I took a picture of my ballot on my camera phone and saved it as my screen saver. I emptied my camera so that I can record the results later tonight. I called almost everyone I knew to ensure that they wouldn't oversleep, at least until my cell went dead.

Oh my GOD, it's finally here. This historic day that I'm so very blessed to be apart of. GOD is surely in control of "our" destiny and whatever the outcome, please don't loose your faith and please don't give up this fight. Remember, we are more alike than we are different and overall as a country, we all want the same thing.... Liberty, peace and equality!

please don't rush off somewhere without taking a moment to actually be in the "moment" this is truly a treasured one that will change the history books forever!

Love and prayers for a great day!
PS An extra prayer for the passing of Barack's grandmother, I know that he probably hasn't properly mourned her loss and my heart and deepest sympathy goes out to his family!


SLC said...

I can't fill in that blank either. I was on my cell the whole time talking to my baby cousin. We talked off and on from 4:30AM until 6:30AM after we had both voted. We grew up together, but hadn't experienced anything recently that could actually bring us closer together than we already are until today. All I here is an old song from the 80's WHAT A FEELING!


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I think this day brought a lot of people together. I was never so proud to be an American. How awesome that GOD is really the one leading this nation and we're just little sheep following along (smile)

Have a great week and remember that United we Stand!