Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm full already

I'm full just thinking about all the food my family is preparing to cook.

Here's a question I'd like to propose and hopefully not to offend anyone, but why is it that black folks can't have a turkey, (2) side dishes and (1) dessert? What's with all the freaking choices? Just asking (lol)..... Happy Turkey Day everyone!
Remember to give thanks to GOD before digging in!


Shanita Waters said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I don't know why we have to have all the sides. lol... when you look at other familes on TV, they have a modest meal. We on the other hand have everythign we can imagine.

Enjoy your holiday!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Yes, we do. I volunteered at a church last year and "they" were so happy for that "one meal" that we take for granted. I'll never forget the experience.

Have a great holiday as well!

Strongblkwmn said...

My sisters and I were trying to trim our menu, but we just couldn't do it. The only thing we cut was the turkey. That's just how we do. LOL! I love every minute of it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Fitts said...

LOL x 10!!! Thanks for the humor that you are bringing to blogspear!

I love your blog because your positive posts keep me smiling.

Happy Thanksgiving,


By the way, I am trying to stay away from all the extras this year... I have been losing... don't want to start back gaining :-)


Hey there!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!



Anonymous said...

Hey Cousin!

Did you know I follow your blog? I wanted to leave a comment this time because this is such a true statement. I was so tired after cooking all morning that I barely had enough energy to eat. All turned out well and we had a wonderful time.

PS: I love seeing your smiling face when I enter you page.

Love you!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Thanks for the visit everyone. If you know me, I pretty much live on cereal so on Thanksgiving, I did it up and I can't zip my jeans (lol)

Love, peace and blessings to all!