Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What do you see when you look at me?

I never finish my “to do” list and I haven’t had a vacation in over a year. I am not in a relationship. I have very little money in my savings account. I really need to increase my retirement fund and my mortgage payment is enough for two families. I don’t work out as often as I would like to, I would love to own a few designer pieces and every three weeks or so my gray hair reminds me that I need to either embrace it or color it.

My family has its usual drama; just like yours. We disagree about stuff. We tell secrets and share recipes (well actually they do, I just show up when the food is ready). When it’s all said and done my baby sister bakes two cakes (1 lemon and 1 chocolate) and we forgive, laugh and eat. Aside from the Cheesecake Factory, she makes the best desserts. And I’m not just saying that because she’s family. But the bottom line is that we love one another more than anything!

People are constantly asking, “Why are you always smiling? Does anything get you down? Why are you so positive?” A really great friend recently said that I seemed to be in a happy place. And others say that I’m glowing… All I can say is that I gave up control of my life. No worries about the future, the family and most importantly the stresses of the work place. I placed it ALL in God’s hands. I am trusting him to direct my path!

1 comment:

Standing Able said...

Hey Free Spirit Butterfly! Thank you for your comment, I love hearing from you. To your question "God can not use perfect people"...how can we benefit from that? If it was indeed a question, you answered it in this post. God wants to use imperfect people, so that when God works through us and our shortcomings He gets the glory and our confidence in Him and His abilities grow even the more. Our imperfection ensures that we don't become "stiff-necked" 2 Chronicles 30:8. Sista Girl stay in your happy place and live life to the fullest!

Love Ya,