Monday, May 18, 2020

Right Now Culture

Father have mercy on us I pray. In this world there are so many things we want right now.

I totally get the unemployment, truly I do. Americans are suffering. However, people are arming themselves with weapons and demanding their freedom, right now. Hurting people and protesting right now. We want what we want and we want it right now. Crucify this flesh right now.

A part of our identity is being threatened right now. Before the virus, during the virus and after the virus, we will still be a “right now” culture. We have so much at our disposal and it’s being taken away right now.

Many of us have over extended our lifestyles and it’s hurting us right now. Our flesh wants a new house right now, a new job right now, a baby right now, a husband or a wife right now, a boyfriend or a girlfriend right now. We want our graduation right now, a college education right now, approved scholarship right now, a tax return right now, Amazon prime right now, a pay raise right now. Should I change jobs right now. Should I take some money from my 401(k) right now, should I retire right now, should I book my wedding venue right now, should I make this purchase right now, should I get divorced right now, should I make travel plans right now, should I attend church right now, should I read my Bible right now, I want to be happy right now,… Like CS Lewis said, the flesh is so easily pleased…

In this life, in the United States, the land of opportunity, where everything is accessible, should we have the latest technology right now, the newest cell phone, the best computer, the best camera, the best car, the most expensive house and all the gadgets, and all the material possessions we can stand?
Yes, we should we have those things right now! Is that what we’re really about?

All the pleasures I can stand. I can get high right now. I can have another drink right now. I can have sex right now...regardless of the consequences.

If only we could take the focus off of ourselves, and see what’s happening globally right now. People are being persecuted for their faith right now. People are being put in prison for their faith right now. People are being beheaded for their faith right now. People are being abandoned and ostracized for their faith right now. People are hiding in fear of their faith right now. People are dying of starvation right now. People are committing suicide right now. People are being raped right now. Children are being molested right now.

Hopelessness is the biggest burden right now. Africa is heavily populated with HIV right now. Orphans are everywhere. Third world countries do not have toilets, clean water, homes, education, churches, Bibles, proper sanitation, food, medical attention, or government officials who care about the people right now. Refugees have nowhere to lay their head, no address and no zip codes right now. Human trafficking is a big deal right now. Opioid addiction is a big deal right now. Pornography addiction is a big deal right now. Abortions are a big deal right now. Same sex attraction is a big deal right now. Gambling is a big deal right now. Obesity is a big deal right now. People are being so deceived right now.

Someone long ago “coined” The American Dream and we feel cheated if we don’t have it and aren’t working toward it. Matthew 6:33 is the Real American Dream. People are dying without a savior right now. BUT health and wealth and prosperity is the goal right now. Be happy right now is the goal. Sin is a big deal right now! Jesus is seeking to save that which was lost right now. Salvation is being offered right now.

Lord Jesus please save us from ourselves!
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)

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