I am Barnabas. It's something that I cannot control. I don't even remember how it started. But today, it has grown to about 40 friends and family members. And there are times, (quite frankly) where I don't feel like it. Specifically, when I'm on my day off or on vacation, but the Lord has given me an assignment and a gift. After ALL He's done for me, even when I don't "feel" like it, I have to do it. He is continually showing me that this life that He gave me is a gift to be shared.
Monday thru Friday, I send out encouraging messages: I use texting and e-mails. I am telling you the truth when I say that it was a message that someone "needed" and it was not my doing. The Spirit tells me what to say and trust me, there have been many times where I've wanted to say/share something else and HE changed it right before I hit the send key. I have even had people text me to say that they did not receive their morning inspiration. :-)
The Spirit provoked me to share this personal testimony with someone this morning:
After I had much anxiety about a very personal and difficult decision a few years back, the Lord lead me to Psalm 13. This is where David repeatedly asked God, "How long?" And then, he ended the Psalm with praise and thanksgiving."
"Father, when you did that for me, it was indeed well with my soul.
I pray that the person I shared it with feels some relief in the season that you have them in. I thank you Lord for allowing my spirit and my heart to be vulnerable. I have not kept quiet about what you've done for me."
And while on the way to work, the morning message was so piercing to the spirit, I was told to share this too. I am just being used by God to be His messenger.
"Do you want the TRUTH or do you want someone to agree with you?"
John 8:32 Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE.
LOVE for a great day!
So true butterfly.
This world could do with a dose of truth. A lot of it.
Probably more than any other books of The Bible, I have always found The Psalms to be very soothing... definitely the verses are of the most poetic beauty & wisdom...
Reading them often helps to collect my thoughts, answer some probing question... & just the meditating over the words alone so often centers me.
My Lady, one thing that I have learned is that speaking the truth in love is the only way to live. I would rather know than live a lie never knowing.
Let me hear it and heal from it!
Love ya :-)
Lin, you said it so beautifully: "meditating over the words alone so often centers me."
Your words, my thoughts exactly!!!
Great minds.
Kindred spirits.
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