Sunday, April 10, 2011

We are not in control of anything!

Good morning blog family. I am still on hiatus, but I felt the need to post today. One of my blog friends is in need of prayer. At my church we call it "unspoken prayer request" when the person chooses to be discreet. I have to say that my God is an awesome God and if you don't believe that, just sit with the word BLOG for a minute or two. It may seem as if Google invented the weird word and that we all uniquely created one and decided to follow them, but the Word of God tells me that nothing happens that he has not already ordained for my life. And if that's the case, then the exact same applies to yours.
This thing, journey, quest, or adventure that we are all on is truly not about us or anything that we may be experiencing. Death, financial difficulties, unemployment, aches and pains that just won't quit, disobedient kids, martial rift, disgruntle bosses, etc... I could go on and on but I just named a few generic stuff that isn't specific to one blogger. It is all created to Glorify Him when, not if, but when He brings us through the other side of the storm. Not around it or over it, but through it. I have indeed experienced enough of all that I've previously mentioned, aside from the loss of a job, to know that He is faithful and only in His time. We would not have had the chance to meet such beautiful, creative and interesting people, had He not allowed us to become bloggers.
Without blogging, I'm certain that I would not have had the occasion to travel to your neck of the woods, bump into you and develop a friendship. I am so very grateful that I took a big leap outside my quiet comfort zone and decided to put myself and my life's journey out into the blogsphere. If I had stayed in my little cocoon, I would not be posting this entry asking my blog friends to pray for a fellow blogger. We all know that PRAYER is a mighty force that brings about enormous results for those that BELIEVE. I am a believer and I'm praying for my friend as well as for all of you. sent w/love fsb


Unknown said...

China mt dear kindred spirit, I am in total agreement and Our Father certainly knows all and sends us "who and What we need always as long as we walk in His will"I pray for all my Family around the globe that I have had the honor to shere my journey and theirs with, I will continue to pray and I KNOW all our prayers are not only heard but answered even if they are not the answers we expect they are thr 'TRUE" AND ONLY ANSWERS WE NEED....God blesss youand continue to keep Him in His loving embrace...your loving Sister in Christ Patricia

SLC said...

I read this last night in the midst of an emotional and spiritual stupor. I am so glad you paused your hiatus. You felt the need to post, and I need this post. I'll speak for all of our blog family in saying your intercession is greatly appreciated.

Love you and C U Soon

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

good afternoon patricia and sam. love you both and prayerfully we'll meet before we get to the kingdom ;-)


Cynthia said...

I will pray for this fellow blogger
and send positive thoughts.

A Lady's Life said...

My prayers are with you for your blogger friend. I also have one in Westra world who needs our prayers.